Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Ab Ripper X w/ Warmup @ 11pm

The title is pretty self explanatory and you know my warmup by now.  The only difference is I ran back and forth instead of in place.  I also stretched a little bit more after the warmup since my legs are still really sore from doing Plyo yesterday.

Avg HR = 114 bpm
Peak HR = 137 bpm
K Burned = 153

I will say that my heart rate didn't peak as high as it has in the past, but it also wasn't anywhere near the low.  Again, I did this late at night and it seems harder to get it to go as high the later in the day you do it.  But notice that my average stayed around the same despite the peak being lower.  That means I worked harder today and took less breaks.  I kept my heart rate up pretty constantly instead of allowing it to dip and then peak. 

Tonight was also the first night I made it through all 50 (he says 40, but there are 10 bonus) mason twists.  I am progressing.  Now if only I could make it through the bikes and scissors.

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