Wednesday, October 5, 2011

P90x - Arms & Shoulders

I finally have something different to report.  I did a P90x - Shoudlers and Arms routine at the gym with all different sets of dumbells instead of at home with bands.  Here are my stats:

Avg HR = 116 bpm
Peak HR = 156 bpm
K Burned = 567

As you can see my heart rate and calories burned were higher when using real weights.

Sunday, June 26, 2011

P90X - Plyometrics

First off, let me apologize for not writing more often.  I thought some of the workouts were getting rather repetitive as was the data.  Therefore I have decided to not post as often.  I will only post workouts I haven't done in awhile or have done less frequently, and will also post when I start trying out new routines.  I may try some "Insanity" workouts in the future, also made by Beachbody, the company that produces P90x.

Today I had the chance to do the Plyometrics workout from P90X for the first time in awhile.  Below are my results.  I think the slightly lower calories and heart rate as compared to other times can be attributed to the fact that I am now in pretty decent cardio shape.  The better shape you are in the harder it is to get your heart rate to spike.  However, you'll see that jumping for an hour can overcome this when you see my peak rate.

Peak HR = 171 bpm
Avg HR = 138 bpm
K Burned = 806

Monday, May 30, 2011

Mega Workout

I've been off the radar mostly because I was away for the holiday weekend and it was my anniversary.  This lead to several days without working out and lots of eating.  I was overdue for an Ab Ripper X workout and I also was overdue for a gym workout.  Therefore I made the exhausting choice to do both today, including a jog to the gym in the 90 degree humid weather.  I decided since there were so many components I would just let my watch go for the entire workout.

Workout Sequence (weights and cardio)
  • 3 minute jog to the gym
  • 7 minutes of stretching
  • 16 minute P90x Ab Ripper X routine (video copied to my ipod)
  • Alternating sets of the LifeFitness Rear Deltoid @ 105 lbs, Pec Fly @ 165 lbs.  3 sets of each
  • 3 sets of Icarian Lat Pulldown @ 145 lbs
  • 3 sets of Icarian Angled Leg Press, 180 lbs of plates
  • 2 sets of upright rows with 75 lbs preweighted bar
  • 3 sets of Icarian seated calf raises with 70 lbs of plates
  • 3 seats of dips using bodyweight
  • 1 set of chinups
  • 1 set of pullups, regular grip
  • 1 set of neutral grip pullups
  •  38 minutes of Precor 100i elliptical, with heart rate selected, 152 bpm as the goal.  30 minute routine with 3 minute warmup and 5 minute cooldown
  • 5 minute walk back to apartment
Time = 1:52:46
Avg HR = 129 bpm
Peak HR = 160 bpm
K Burned = 1347

Saturday, May 21, 2011

P90x - X Stretch

My hamstrings were still feeling tight, as well as my shoulders and arms from the core synergistics workout and ocntinued ab ripper workouts after.  Therefore I decided I needed to stretch my muscles out.  I was more concerned with stretching than getting a full workout and so I opted to do the 57 minute long X Stretch instead of yoga.  I also had never reviewed it yet.

X Stretch is sort of equivalent to the last 40 minutes of the P90x Yoga workout.  You do a couple sun salutations but that is really the extent of the difficult yoga moves.  This is more about loosening up the back, shoulders, arms and legs like you do in the second half of the yoga workout.  This also does not have a core (belly) workout in it.  The name is quite accurate, you will just be stretching for 57 minutes.  Every muscle group will have at least one stretch, and many will have 3 or 4.  Some stretches are more difficult than others.  I could not get nearly as high up as the people in the vide for the camel stretch.  However, for the first time ever I used a yoga block to extend my one legged hamstring stretch. 

As a stretch routine, my heart rate rarely broke above 100 bpm, as even when a maneuver is difficult yoy are doing deep breathing to get through it.  This will surely burn more calories than if you sat still for an hour, but this is not a cardio workout, it is just stretching.  See below:

Avg HR = 81 bpm
Peak HR = 106 bpm
K Burned = 181

Thursday, May 19, 2011

P90x - Core Synergistics

I had not done Core Synergistics for awhile and thought I would try it out again.  It is just as difficult as I remember.  I used a heavier resistance band this time around.  I also did this workout at 10pm at night, so being in an apartment, I had to go lighter on the jumps (I had forgotten about the halfback and the towel jumps when I put it in).  I still did those jumps just as light as possible so as to make it less annoying on my neighbors, but still keep my heart rate up.  I will say this workout makes me absolutely pour sweat more than any other workout I have done.

Here are the results:

Avg HR = 127 bpm
Peak HR = 161 bpm
K Burned = 671

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Ab Ripper X - Morning Workout

I finally got around to doing a morning Ab Ripper, before eating or having caffeine.  This workout I did 30 minutes after waking. 

Avg HR = 110 bpm
Peak HR = 142 bpm
K Burned = 138

Basically, this mimicked one of my nighttime workouts in stats, perhaps a nighttime with a warmup.  At any rate it seems that in order to get those workouts that burn more than 150 calories and get an average heart rate around 120 bpm, caffeine is a necessary component (not that that is recommended).

Friday, May 13, 2011

Ab Ripper X - 7:30pm

I had time to do the workout a little earlier than I usually do it on a weeknight, and so I thought I would strap on a heart rate monitor to see how I did.  I did not do a warmup.

Avg HR = 110 bpm
Peak HR = 146 bpm
K Burned = 137

So still my mid-afternoon workout several hours after consuming caffeine takes the cake.  I will try to do a morning pre-coffee Ab Ripper tomorrow as I do not have many (or any) morning Ab Ripper X workouts.  I'd also like to try one 30 minutes after having coffee, perhaps the following weekend.  I'll definitely have one or the other done tomorrow.

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Ab Ripper X - 4pm Workout

I had coffee around 12 noon, and then walked around outside for a bit and had lunch around 3 (no caffeine with lunch).  I then came home and did this workout.  You will notice that my heart rate was way higher for this midday workout than my evening ones, and I was still 4 hours removed from caffeine intake.

Avg HR = 124 bpm
Peak HR = 157 bpm
K Burned = 180

You may also note that I am now at the point that I do every single repetition and I do the most advanced movement on all exercises.  Quite a change from when I first started in February, wouldn't you say?

Thursday, May 5, 2011

After Work Workout

Weight Training
  • 3 mins jogging to gym
  • 6 mins stretching
  • LifeFitness Pectoral Fly/Read Deltoid Machine, 3 sets of each exercise, alternating 1 of each.  Read delt was at 105 lbs, pec fly was at 165 lbs
  • 1 set neutral grip pullup
  • 1 set regular pullup
  • 1 set chinup
  • Strive Seated Pushdown - 3 set option @ 130 lbs
  • 3 sets Cybex Hip Adduction @ 110 lbs (also did one warmup set at 55 lbs)
  • Abduction machine was broken and so I couldn't use it
Time = 27:30
Avg HR = 121 bpm
Peak HR = 151 bpm
K Burned = 288

eSpinner - Interval Workout, Level 5 (of 5), 30-35 minutes settings

Time = 31:39
Avg HR = 135 bpm, both watch and machine
Peak HR = 166 bpm (only available on watch)
K Burned = 438 (machine); 416 (watch)    This is a first!
Distance = 9.9 miles

Monday, May 2, 2011

Afternoon Gym Workout & eSpinner (from Saturday)

Weight Workout
  • 3 minute jog
  • 8 minutes stretching
  • 3 sets dumbbell chest press, 55 lbs each hand
  • 3 sets Icarian Lat Pulldown, 1 @ 120 lbs, 1 @ 130 lbs, and 1 @ 140 lbs
  • 3 sets dumbbell shoulder press, 35 lbs each hand
  • 3 sets Icarian Seated Calf Raise, 70lbs plates
  • 3 sets Rope Pulldown at Icarian Cable Cross Station, 90 lbs
  • 3 sets Icarian Angled Leg Press - 180 lbs plates
  • 1 set chinups
  • 1 set regular pullups
  • 1 set neutral grip pullups
Time = 45:15
Avg HR = 119 bpm
Peak HR = 163 bpm
K Burned = 457

eSpinner Workout (the one that works with my chest strap)

I selected Level 4, interval training, and 30-35 minutes.  I will say I had a real hard time coordinating the recommended cadence and heart rate.  I found with the increased resistance, if I went their suggested cadence my heart rate would skyrocket way past my zone.  So for the most part, I just focused on my heart rate.  You'll notice that the machine and my watch where nearly completely in sync for this workout.  I am wondering if Timex has a piece of Star Trac

Time = 31:18
Avg HR = 141 bpm (machine); 141 bpm (watch)
Peak HR = 168 bpm (only given on watch)
K Burned = 439 (machine); 442 (watch)
Distance = 9.2 miles

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Gym workout w/ Ab Ripper X Routine

Today I decided to do my gym workout and include the ab ripper workout.  I had to do the routine from memory, which by now was easy.  It was harder not to quit before the 25 were done (or 50 for mason twists) without Tony egging me on.  I think I may have done too many of the bicycles though, because my abs were on FIRE while doing those, which made everything else that much harder to complete (although I did).  I did complete it in about the same amount of time as on the DVD.

Gym Workout
  • 3 minute jog to the gym
  • 8 minutes of stretching
  • Ab Ripper X
  • LifeFitness Pectoral Fly/Rear Deltoid (reverse fly) Machine.  I did 3 sets of each exercise, going back and forth (so 1 back, one chest, then repeat twice more).
  • 1 set neutral grip pullups (bodyweight)
  • 1 set chin-ups (bodyweight)
  • 1 set regular pullups (bodyweight)
  • Strive Seated Pushdown Machine, 3 sets @ 110lbs.  This one has you select emphasis on different parts of the maneuver for each set by sliding a level.  The first emphasizes the middle of the movement (i.e. most resistance occurs in the middle).  The second emphasizes the end, and the third emphasizes the beginning.  You are supposed to take only 0-30 seconds between sets because of this.  It's a great idea.
Time = 47:09
Avg HR = 120 bpm
Peak = 162 bpm
K Burned = 485

Cardio - Precor 546i

The Precor 546i is just like the 576i, except it does not having moving handles.  This one too changes inclines and resistance.  Unfortunately, just like the 576i, the 546i does not recognize my heart rate monitor.  for my routine I selected "Weight Loss."  It then automatically starts a 28 minute routine + 5 minute cooldown.  You have to proactively select "options" to enter your age and weight, which I did.  Looking at my heart rate on my watch, I maneuvered the resistance levels up and down throughout the workout, while shouting answers to the Jeopardy show I was watching.  I spent most of my time shifting back and forth between Levels 10-16 of resistance.

Time = 33 minutes total
Avg HR = 140 bpm
Peak HR = 155 bpm
K Burned = 462 (watch); 352 (machine)
Distance = 2.83 miles (I didn't pay attention to whether it included the cooldown or not here)

As usual my watch was way ahead of the machine on calories burned.

Friday, April 22, 2011

P90x - Shoulders & Arms Workout and then Ab Ripper X

I decided to try the Shoulders and Arms workout since the only extra items you need for that one are resistance bands and a chair.  I cannot install the pullup bar anywhere in my apartment and so this will be the only muscle workout I post.  I took a five minute break and then went into an Ab Ripper routine.  I started the routine at 7:10pm.

P90x - Shoulders & Arms

This workout has around 8 or 9 minutes worth or warming up and stretching out muscles.  Then, similar to plyometrics, it has series of 3 exercises that you do two cycles of.  It goes, shoulder exercise, bicep exercise, tricep exercise, repeat.  Then there is ballistic stretching, and then a new set of 3 exercises fitting that criteria until around 4 minutes left, where you cool down and stretch again.  It is a decent workout, and I wish I had had a full set of weights to improve my performance and jack up my heart rate some more (as well as build more muscle).  I'd use the heaviest resistance bands you can find to increase your performance.

Time = 1 hour
Avg HR = 106 bpm
Peak HR = 143 bpm
K Burned = 465

I will say that my heart rate started to really climb into the 120s steadily in the last 20 minutes.  It took awhile to get it going, but it did finally get there.  I wonder if using 30 pound dumbbells would have improved that category, instead of my 20 lb resistance band with loops.

It is also important to remember that since this is not a cardio workout, but rather a muscle building workout, many calories will continue to be burned in the 2 hours or so after the workout as well.  Therefore, this may be one of those rare scenarios where my watch is accurate or under-reporting instead of being too aggressive.

See here for muscle workout calorie info:

Ab Ripper X

Since I was doing a workout right before this, I did not do a warmup.

Avg HR = 114 bpm
Peak HR = 141 bpm
K Burned = 149

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Ab Ripper X - 3:30pm workout

I did a mid-afternoon ab ripper workout today, about 2 hours after finishing my last cup of coffee.  My heart rate was definitely way higher in the middle of the day, and it is possible I still had a jolt of caffeine in my system.  I also now complete all 339 repetitions and do all the advanced movements.

Avg HR = 120 bpm
Peak HR = 155 bpm
K Burned = 169

As you can see the average is about 6-7 bpm higher and the peak is about 15-20 bpm higher.  Closer to caffeine intake and earlier in the day will do that.

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Today's quick Gym Workout

I was pretty sore from yesterday's workout, but I wanted to get a quick one in, and so I went to the gym to do a varied workout.

Weight Training
  • 3 minute jog to gym
  • 8 minutes of stretching
  • 3 sets Cybex Hip Adduction machine @ 110 lbs
  • 3 sets of pullups - neutral grip (bodyweight, no assistance)
  • 3 sets of dips (bodyweight, no asistantance)
  • 3 sets Cybex Hip Abduction machine @ 110 lbs
  • 2 sets chin-ups (bodyweight, no assistance)
Time = 36:14
Avg HR = 104 bpm (low because of the nature of the workout and the fact that I had to wait for space numerous times)
Peak HR = 148 bpm
K Burned = 267

Cybex 750A (Arc Trainer without moving arms)

In general, I hate these ellipticals that do not have moving arm components to them.  However, the gym was oddly crowded for a Sunday night.  I chose the target heart rate workout, however this machine just packs on tons of resistance to get you to 150bpm, instead of looking for a happy medium of some speed to get you there as well.  It's to the point that is becomes more like a strength workout than cardio.  Given how sore my legs, especially quads, were from yesterday, I got off after 11 minutes.  In the future, I thinbk, that since it recognizes my chest strap, I will do manual workouts on the Cybex 750s to get my heart rate to the 150s.

Time = 11:12
Avg HR = 144
Peak HR = 156
K Burned = 124 (machine); 150 (watch)

Jog Home

Time = 3:02
Avg HR = 149 bpm
Peak HR = 162 bpm
K Burned = 47

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Late Afternoon Gym Workout & Cardio

Weight Workout
  • 3 minute jog to gym
  • 8 minutes of stretching
  • Icarian Seated Calf Raise, 3 sets @ 70lbs of plates
  • 3 sets dumbbell Chest Press/fly @ 55lbs each hand (i've been gradually increasing weight here)
  • 3 sets dumbbell one-armed row @ 55lbs each hand (same as above comment)
  • 3 sets dumbbell shoulder press @ 35 lbs each hand (same as above two comments)
  • Icarian Leg Press, 3 sets @ 115 lbs of plates on each side
  • Icarian Cable Station, Rope pushdown, 3 sets @ 90lbs
  • Dumbbell concentrated curls @ 25lbs
Time = 56:03
Avg HR = 115 bpm (includes stretching)
Peak HR = 147 bpm (explained that weight training is basically interval training, spikes when lifting, goes down between sets)
K Burned = 526

Precor 100i

I must apologize for accidentally deleting my watch's data for my Precor workout.  However, the heart rate information is about the same anyway since they both use my chest strap.  Therefore the only comparison that is really missing is calories, and I will say that, as usual, my watch was higher than the machine.  The watch was only about 50 calories or so higher this time, so not as bad as usual.  I selected the heart rate workout and put in 152 bpm as my target since that is 80% of my maximum heart rate for my age according to the machine.

Time = 38 minutes (3 min warmup + 30 minute heart rate workout + 5 minute cooldown)
Avg HR = 145 bpm (so it did  a decent job since this includes warmup and cooldown)
Peak HR = 161 bpm
K Burned = 525

My Sprint Home Through the Rain

This is why I lost the Precor workout data on my watch.  I wrot edown the weight workout but did not write down the Precor workout data that was on my watch, figuring I would just use my watch when writing this.  It was pouring, and so I made a dash home.  Being the kind of guy that, would, well, write this blog, I turned on my heart rate monitor. 

Time = 2:54
Avg HR = 152
Peak HR = 164
K Burned = 46

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Kenpo X @ 9pm

Tonight's weather was quite bad and so I did not make it to the gym.  I decided it was time I did some Kenpo X as it had been awhile.  I also decided that I would do some muscle building besides cardio by doing 4 two-minute drills of chair pushups with the perfect pushup.  I did the first two regular chair pushup two minute drills, and then I went into the Kenpo workout.  i finished the wide and close chair pushups after Kenpo.  All in all it was a good overall workout.  I only wore my heart monitor during Kenpo.

Time = 58:40
Avg HR = 121 bpm
Peak HR = 160 bpm (during the vertical punches at the very end)
K Burned = 615

Kenpo X is still the hardest P90x workout to get my heart rate going.  It usually peaks during the "breaks" of jumping jacks and running.  When I see them saying 160bpm on screen, and I look at my watch and see 137, I'm baffled as I feel like I am throwing them as fast and as hard as I can without "banging my joints."  My watch is overly aggressive with the calories burned to begin with, but during Core Synergistics or Plyometrics I burned 750 or more calories as compared to what you see here.  So, in my opinion, while Kenpo X is the most fun cardio workout, it is the "easiest."  Keep in mind, I mean P90x easy.  In any other universe this is a hell of a workout and will get you in great shape if you did it several times a week.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Gym Workout w/ Precor 576i

I wanted to try another eSpinner workout today, but unfortunately, the one that recognized my heart rate monitor had a broken touch screen.  I ended up on a Precor 576i, which seems to be the one machine in the gym that does not work with my watch.  Today I ran errands before going to the gym, so there is no 5 minute jog to get my heart rate up before the workout.

Weight Training
  • 5 minutes of stretching
  • 3 sets of dumbbell chest press/flies @ 50lbs each hand
  • 3 sets of one armed dumbbell rows @ 50lbs
  • 3 sets dumbbell shoulder press @ 30 lbs
  • 3 sets Icarian Leg Press @ 90lbs of plates on each side for a total of 180lbs added weight
  • 3 sets rope pulldown on Icarian cable system @ 90lbs
  • 3 sets of seated calf raises on Icarian machine @ 70lbs of plates
  • 3 sets of preacher curls @ 75lbs
Time = 44 mins
Avg HR = 118 bpm
Peak HR = 148 bpm
K Burned = 438

Cardio - Precor 576i
 Since the my heart rate monitor is not picked up and the hand sensors are not on the moving arms due to some short-sighted designing, all I can compare is the calories burned, which may be inaccurate since it cannot read my heart rate.  However, my watch can never read resistance levels, so perhaps it evens out.  For this workout, I selected the "Weight Loss" workout.  It is a default 28 minute workout with 5 minute cool down for a total of 33 minutes.  You have to enter your age and weight after the workout starts by hitting the options button.  I gradually shifted the resistance up, ultimately to 17 of 20 to get my heart rate close to 150bpm.  I did okay at doing that.  In general, the weight loss workout shifts between a flat level and a slightly steep incline throughout. 

Time = 33 mins (including 5 min cool down)
Avg HR = 141 bpm
Peak HR = 159 bpm
K Burned = 357 (576i); 473 (watch)

My watch, as occurs 9 out of 10 times, was quite aggressive in the calorie count.  It's hard to say if the machine is low-balling, my watch is way too aggressive, or if the answer lies somewhere in between.

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Guest Blogs?

Since I have one type of heart rate monitor and my height and weight are pretty unique to me, I thought it would be good to get guest bloggers to appear.  If you own a heart rate monitor, or even a pedometer, it would be great if you were willing to share some of your workouts, whether it be machines at the gym or at-home routines to get a wide array of results.  This will show the ranges of possibilities.  If you are interested in sharing, please leave a comment to this blog.  If I see enough people that have interest, I will create an email address where you can send your entries.  Please check back, as I will edit this post in the future.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Ab Ripper X - 9:45pm workout w/ modified warmup

Since these Ab Ripper workouts have been getting a little stale I've left out a few as the information would have offered nothing new.  I did a 9:45pm workout, about an hour earlier than I normally do, to change things up a little.  I also stretched a little and then did 50 jumping jacks and then immediately started the DVD so that my heart rate would be up at the beginning of the workout. 

Avg HR = 111 bpm
Peak HR = 142 bpm
K Burned = 140

As you can see, no dramatic differences.  I think I am getting to that point that it is harder and hard to get my heart rate to spike upwards as I am in better shapes.  You'll notice this with my last Yoga workout as well.  I'm at the point in Ab Ripper were I am completing 334 out of 339 reps in the routine and I am doing the more difficult options on 3 of the exercises that have options.  I think I am in just better cardio shape overall now, but I will keep looking at ways to get the heart rate up and calories burned without having to load up on caffeine.

Monday, April 4, 2011

Yoga X - 6pm workout

I did an early evening Yoga X workout yesterday.  You'll notice that this time I did not get my heart rate up as much this time.  I also still struggle mightily with the poses that emphasize balance.  I've noticed that a balance a lot better on one leg over the other consistently. 

Time = 1 hour, 33 minutes
Avg HR = 100 bpm
Peak HR = 134 bpm
K Burned = 622

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Weight Workout & eSpinner - 3pm workout

Weight Workout
  • 5 mins jog to gym
  • 5 mins stretching
  • 3 sets dumbell chest press/fly 50lbs each hand
  • 3 sets one-armed dumbell row @ 50lbs
  • 3 sets dumbell shoulder press @ 30lbs each hand
  • 3 sets Icarian Seated Calf Raise @ 60lbs of plates
  • 3 sets Icarian cable system rope pulldown @ 90lbs
  • 3 sets preacher curls @ 75lbs (two 25 lb plates on bar)
Time = 42:31
Avg HR = 124 bpm
Peak HR = 164 bpm (during curls)
K Burned = 469

Star Trac eSpinner
To my surprise the eSpinner read my chest strap this time.  This was the exact same model of machine that didn't read it a couple week ago (click the eSpinner category to bring that up).  I used a different one, and perhaps it had a working battery or something.  At any rate I had great feedback of cadence and heart rate on the screen.  I forgot to set my watch, and so I only have the machine totals to report.  The machine does not give a peak heart rate, so that will be missing.  I did an endurance workout, level 4/5, 25-30mins, and entered 195 for my maximum heart rate.  I used the trainer videos the machine had and stayed within the cadence AND heart rate zones as best as I could.  The endurance workout is a little less intense than interval, and I bet strength is even more intense than that.

Time = 28:14
Distance = 8.10 miles
Avg HR = 130 (includes warmup and cool down though, so peak would have been useful, I do remember hitting upper 140's a bit though)
Avg Cadence = 71 (I didn't need to go to the upper range of the cadence to get my heart rate where it needed to be since I was putting on resistance)
K Burned = 361

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Gym and Cybex 750AT Arc Trainer

  • 5 minutes jog outside
  • 4 flights of stairs (ran up)
  • 3 sets Cybex hip abduction @ 110lbs
  • 3 sets Cybex hip adduction @ 110 lbs + 1 warmup set @ 55lbs
  • 3 sets Freemotion Rope Pulldown @ 50lbs (max that machine goes to)
  • 3 sets Nautilus Nitro Bicep Curl @ 80lbs
Time = 28:45
Avg HR = 101 bpm (yep, pretty low)
Peak HR = 149 bpm
K Burned = 196

I went to the gym at 9:30pm and for the life of me, I could not keep my heart rate up.  It spiked when I ran and went up the steps, but during the weight training I could not keep it up.  It could be because it was late night, or perhaps I am just getting in better shape, not sure.  Of course, I hadn't had any caffeine anytime near the workout either.

Cybex 750AT

I selected the heart rate program (P9) and put in 152 bpm and 30 minutes.  Unlike the Precor 100i, this is really just 30 minutes.  It had me on really high resistance since my heart rate wasn't going up as much as it normally does and so it was as much an endurance/strength training as it was cardio.  It works with my chest strap, so I just compared calories this time (and the machine didn't display the other info).

Avg HR = 141 bpm
Peak HR = 158 bpm
K Burned = 322 (750AT); 420

Monday, March 28, 2011

Precor 100i Elliptical

Yesterday I went to the gym around 1pm, lifted for 45 minutes and then went on the 100i to do my heart rate workout for 30 minutes and a target of 152 bpm (80% of my max heart rate according to the machine...which would be 191)

Time = 38 minutes (3 minutes warmup on single digit level, 30 minute workout, 5 minute cooldown on Level 16 of 20)

Avg HR = 148 bpm (watch); 149 bpm (machine)
Peak HR = 163 bpm (watch); 164 bpm (machine)
K Burned = 589 (watch); 481 (machine)

I forgot to write down the distance this time.  My levels hovered between 12 and 16 for most of the workout.  This was different than my nighttime weekday use of the Precor 100i when I was at Level 20/20 for most of the workout.  This further proves that it is much easier to get your heart rate up earlier.  Of course the earlier in the day, especially on weekends, the closer I am to when I consumed caffeine.  I have yet to try this or the ab ripper before eating and drinking in the morning.  I will at some point.

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Ab Ripper X - Midday Workout w/ warmup

I did this workout in the middle of the day approximately 2 hours after finishing my coffee.  I also did my usual 3 minute warmup.  As you'll see, being earlier in the day, and closer to the time I had caffeine intake, my results were a little better.

Avg HR = 116 bpm
Peak HR = 147 bpm
K Burned = 155

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Gym Workout at 9:45pm

  • 5 minute job to gym
  • stretching
  • 3 sets of 25lb dumbbell overhead arm extension (triceps)
  • 3 sets concentrated curls w/ 25 lb dumbbell (sitting, elbow on knee, palm facing inward twisting on your way up so palm ultimately faces outward as much as possible before lowering, in slow controlled movements)
  • Cybex Assisted Chinup/Dip Machine (4 wide grip pullups w/ no assistance, 4 with #8, then 6 dips with #8) (my arms were too jelly like by this point to do that many)
Time = 24:11
Avg HR = 112 bpm
Peak HR = 154 bpm
K Burned = 213

Precor 100i Elliptical

I did the heart rate workout, and as usual this machine read my chest strap.  I selected 152 as my target this time.  Again, the late at night workout proved to make it quite difficult to get my hear rate up.  The machine had me on resistance level 20 of 20 most of the workout.  I was on single digits resistance for the 3 minute warmup and on 16 for the 5 minute cool down.  You'll notice tonight the machine was more aggressive than my watch, perhaps because I was on such a high resistance level.  My watch can only monitor heart rate and has no idea what the strain is on my muscles other than my heart.  So it is getting harder and harder to say when my watch is being aggressive or not aggressive enough.

Time = 38 minutes total
Distance = 4.27 miles (a little low because of the really high resistance)

Avg HR (machine) = 139                 Avg HR (watch) = 139

Peak HR (machine) = 157                Peak HR (watch) = 157

K Burned (machine) = 553               K Burned (watch) = 523

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Perfect Pushup 4 Routine Workout & Ab Ripper X @ 11pm - 99% complete!!!

So tonight I did the same thing that I did last Wednesday, but instead did the full 4 set (i.e. second week) original Perfect Pushup workout.  Besides the regular, wide and close pushups, there is also a chair pushup which is where you do a regular pushup, but with your feat on top of a chair seat  while the Perfect Pushup bars are on the ground in their regular pushup position (kind of like doing a decline press).  I did my usual 2 minute drill of 14 reps, 10 reps and then 6 reps.  I did the 4 over the course of 75 minutes.  I meant to do it within an hour again, but I got sidetracked by the phone, lol.  I waited fifteen minutes after completing the last rep (the close pushup), and then did an ab ripper workout.  I did not do my warmup since I had done the Perfect Pushup routine.  Shockingly this put me at my usual 11pm Ab Ripper workout.

Here are the results in the order the routines were done.  You'll notice that with each successive pushup routine my heart rate and calories burned go up, until the last one.  I got my phone call between the third and fourth and took too long of a break.  My ab ripper x routine gave similar results to other 11pm workouts when done with warmups.  The pushups were my warmup tonight.

Chair Perfect Pushup
Time:  2:00
Avg HR = 106 bpm
Peak = 111 bpm
K Burned = 15

Regular Perfect Pushup
Time = 1:54
Avg HR = 111 bpm
Peak HR = 126 bpm
K Burned = 16

Wide Perfect Pushup
Time = 1:55
Avg HR = 122 bpm
Peak HR = 136 bpm
K Burned = 20

Close Perfect Pushup
Time = 2:00
Avg HR = 113
Peak HR = 124
K Burned = 18

Ab Ripper X
Avg HR = 108 bpm
Peak =  141 bpm
K Burned = 131

Tonight I did 344 of the 349 Ab Ripper X reps.  Not bad for only completing around 170-190 when I first started.  I completed the reverse bicycle for the first time ever.  On fifer scissors, I did 23 of 25 and did the first 20 in a row.  On heels to the heavens I did 22/25.  I completed everything else.  I did all 50 mason twists, did the hardest version of leg grabs (one grab, leg in), and did cross leg situps instead of wide leg.  I even put my hands in the air for the in and outs.  This just goes to show if you stick with it and don't get frustrated during the first several weeks of doing the routine, you'll get there!

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Late Night Gym Workout - Cybex 750AT

I went to the gym at around 9:45 tonight and stayed until about 10:40.

Pre-cardio Workout
  • 5 minute job to gym
  • Stretching
  • 3 sets of upside down V bar push downs @ 90lbs (triceps)
  • 3 sets of preacher curls @ 75lbs (biceps)
Time = 22:37
Avg HR = 114 bpm
Peak HR = 148 bpm
K Burned = 208

Cybex 750AT (arc trainer w/ moving handles, newer model with fan)

The Cybex 750AT turned out to be compatible with my chest strap.  I selected the target heart rate program (P9) similar to what I have selected on the Precor 100i.  I entered 155 as my target heart rate this time along with my age and weight.  I selected 30 minutes, however the workout started at 28 minutes.  The machine worked me very hard on very high resistances to get me that high heart rate.  Therefore in 28 minutes I only went 0.74 miles.  Each step was grueling and required a lot work for my legs and arms.  Below are the results of the machine vs my watch.

Avg HR (Cybex 750AT) = 144 bpm
K Burned (Cybex 750AT) = 309

Avg HR (watch) = 148 bpm
Peak HR (watch) = 161 bpm
K Burned = 434

As you can see the machine and my watch had a slight difference of opinion on my heart rate.  I didn't sync the watch and machine perfectly on the start and stop (I started the watch 10-15 seconds late, and stopped it 10 seconds late or so.  I observed a difference of 2-4 bpm between my watch and machine at various points.  The Precor 100i seemed to do a better job of reading my chest strap, although this wasn't terribly off and is close enough for all intents and purposes.  It was a damn tough 28 minutes on those high resistances.  As usual my watch was aggressive on the calories...oh well.

Monday, March 21, 2011

Ab Ripper X 11pm w/ modified warmup

So for some reason I can't seem to find time to do this workout until late at night.  At any rate since my heart rate is lower late night, I did my usual 3 minute warmup, but after stretches, right before I started the video, I ran in place again for another 30 seconds to get the heart rate back up over 100 for the start of the workout.  Sadly I don't think this made a tremendous difference.  More experimenting to come in the future to keep these workout entries fresh.

Avg HR = 110 bpm
Peak HR = 136 bpm
K Burned = 136

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Gym Workout (weights)

I ended up on a Precor 100i and I forgot to bring a piece of paper to record the info, so I just let the machine read my chest strap today.  I figured I would share my weight workout with you. I did confirm today that the chest strap to my Timex watch does not work with the 576i, just the 100i.

Gym Workout (in order)
  • 3 minute jog to the gym
  • Check in, get towel, hang up sweatshirt, etc. (3 mins)
  • 6-7 minutes of stretching at the "Stretch Center" machine
  • 3 sets of dumbell benchpress/fly (45lbs)
  • 3 sets of dumbell one-armed rows (45lbs)
  • 3 sets of should presses w/ dumbells (30lbs)
  • 3 sets Icarian Angled Leg Press (2x45lb plates each side)
  • 3 sets Rope pull downs (80lbs)
  • 3 sets seated calf raises (60lbs)
  • 3 sets of Nautilus machine curls (80lbs)
Time = 55:56
Avg HR = 118 bpm
Peak HR = 151 bpm
K Burned = 555

Friday, March 18, 2011

Ab Ripper X - 10pm workout w/ warmup

The title pretty much captures this.  I did an Ab Ripper X workout at around 10pm and did my, what is becoming, traditional warmup routine.

Avg HR = 108
Peak HR = 138
K Burned = 133

I am now pretty convinced that I will never get my heart rate jacked up enough at night short of doing some serious cardio beforehand.  I will try to do an early morning Ab Ripper X workout at some point to see.  I just can't seem to get that motivated, lol.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Perfect Pushup Original Workout & Ab Ripper X

I started out the evening doing the original Perfect Pushup workout that comes with the device.  It is regular, wide and then close pushups.  I have a max rating of 20, so in each of my two minute drills I do 14 reps, 10, reps, and then 6 reps within the 2 minutes.  So I did a grand total of 90 "perfect" pushups.  I spread the three 2 minute drills across 1 hour of time.  It would be next to impossible to do them right after each other without any sort of break as they are wayyyyy harder than a regular'll know what I mean when you get to that third set in your 2 minute drill.  The diagram shows you how to set up the device for each type of pushup and which way to rotate.  There are even pictures depicting each phase in the complete movement.  I am proud to say I completed all three within the 2 minutes. 

Thirty minutes after finishing, I did an Ab Ripper X workout.  I did not do my warmup as I figured the Perfect Pushup routine was warmup enough.  Again I did these late night so my heart rate wasn't as high.

Here are the results in the exact order I did the routines.  You'll see that my heart rate goes up after the first routine as that sort of served as my warmup to get the blood flowing. The wide and close were almost identical.

Perfect Pushup - Regular
Time = 1:55
Avg HR = 109 bpm
Peak HR = 121 bpm
K Burned = 15

Perfect Pushup - Wide
Time = 1:56
Avg HR = 119 bpm
Peak HR = 136 bpm
K Burned = 19

Perfect Pushup - Close
Time = 1:56
Avg HR = 118 bpm
Peak HR = 132 bpm
K Burned = 19

Ab Ripper X
Time = 16:19
Avg HR = 109 bpm
Peak HR = 132 bpm
K Burned = 135

Monday, March 14, 2011

Ab Ripper X - 11pm workout

So there must be something to this body getting ready for sleep.  They say as the day goes on (sunlight dissipates), your melatonin levels rise and that gets you ready for sleep.  It seems every time I do a late night workout I just cannot get my heart rate up to the same levels as earlier in the day. I did my warmup and even that couldn't really get my heart rate to stay at a higher level.

Avg HR = 105 bpm
Peak HR = 126 bpm
K Burned = 123

You'll notice that my average heart rate is about 10 beats per minute lower than it normally is during this workout.  I will also add that my legs were really sore still from the two gym workouts I did this weekend.  I did not complete all 50 mason twists, did around 42, although I did do most of the rest of the workout, to about the same level as I did my last.  I did try leg in and one grab for the leg climbs today which burned infinitely more than when I normally do it.  Since that is the routine before the mason twists, that may have impact those results as well.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Star Trac Spinning - eSpinner

The eSpinner is a spin bike that comes with preloaded workout videos, or you can watch tv or listen to you ipod.  It's basically like taking a spinning class by yourself.  They filed a bunch of 3-5 minute clips and depending on the parameters you input in the beginning they string together several of the videos to fit the desired time and type of workout.  For today's workout, I selected interval training, 25-30 minutes, and level 4 out of 5 in difficulty.  I also input that I am male, aged 29 and 166 lbs.  They did not let me move my max heart rate above 191 (they clearly used the guidelines of 220-age). 

Sadly, my chest strap was not recognized by this machine.  It says it is supposed to work with a chest strap, but I guess only certain ones are compatible.  I will have to research this more.  It gives you a cadence (rpm) range you should be in for each part of the workout and shows where you heart rate should fall in.  Since I had my watch going, I used my watch to guide me.  I figured that heart rate is better than speed for goals, although I did try to make both work to the best of my ability.  At times my heart rate was too high to keep going at the speeds the machine was recommending, and so I either had to slow down or cut down the resistance.  Obviously resistance levels on any spinner are decided by the user, but the cadence and heart rate guidelines will keep you honest.

The total routine the machine selected for me was 26:21.  I started my watch and noticed that during the first 3 minutes or so (the warmup video), the machine wasn't counting calories.  I therefore turned my watch off and restarted it when the actual workout started and the machine did start counting calories.

Avg HR =143 bpm
Peak HR = 168 bpm
K Burned (watch) = 332
K Burned (machine) = 273
Time (of counting calories) = 22:55
Distance = 7.7 miles
Avg Cadence = 66

By now, I am not surprised my watch came in high on calories burned.  However, at times when my heart rate was in the 160's I slowed down below the recommended cadence, and the machine's calories counter barely budged.  Had it read my chest strap it would have known I was still working hard, but since it couldn't it probably assumed I was going slow and my heart rate was too low.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Precor 576i

Today I did 35 minutes of weight workouts (arms, chest, back and calves), and then hopped on a Precor 576i elliptical.  This is the elliptical that has the moving arms, stationary heart rate sensors for your hands, and a vertical ramp and moves up and down during certain workouts.  I selected the weight loss workout, which is 28 minutes long and it moves between two heights throughout the workout and has default resistance settings.  I left the height setting alone throughout the workout.  I did, however, change the resistance myself to keep me around a 150 average.  Unfortunately, this machine did not read my chest strap, and so I looked at my watch and changed the resistance accordingly. As you'll see, I did a pretty good job keeping myself at the 150 average.  This resulted in me using a resistance of 12 for most of the workout.  Finally, throughout the workout, I tested the hand heart rate monitors vs. my chest strap/watch monitor and at no point was there ever more than a 1-3 bpm difference.  The hand rate monitors are pretty accurate on the 576i.  Since I wanted to have my arms moving I went with my chest strap for a constant heart rate throughout the workout.

Avg HR = 152 bpm
Peak HR = 166 bpm
K Burned (watch) = 449
K burned (576i) = 315

Of course this machine did not have a constant heart rate, but the difference is consistent with my watch being way too aggressive in calories burned.  I am not sure if the chest strap is incompatible with all 576i's or if this one just wasn't working or had a dead battery for its sensor.  It's odd it would work with the 100i but not the 576i.  If I get a chance I will try another.

Ab Ripper X - 6pm workout w/ warmup

I did my what is becoming now, normal warmup routine before the ab ripper workout.  I tried doing the workout at a different time of day again (yesterday) to see the effect on my heart rate.  I will say this is the first ab ripper in which I felt like i completed almost 90% of it.  I did all 50 mason twists at the end (and the collapsed), and I did 20/25 scissors which is a new record for me.  I got through most of the cycling and completed crunchy frog.  On the "heels to the heavens," I left out just a few.  Otherwise I completed everything else.  For the leg climbs, I bring my other foot all the way in to make it harder now.  The increased physical activity that I am now able to complete may also have increased the results below.

Avg HR =116 bpm
Peak HR = 148 bpm
K Burned = 158

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Yoga X

I managed to get another Yoga X workout in.  During the first 50 minutes (ballistic yoga), I think I sweat more than I ever have doing this before.  I had to pause to open my window more, and then pause again later to get some extra water.  I can keep up with the crew until we get to the Warrior 3 and half moon poses where you balance on one foot.  I suck at the balancing and constantly have to reset on the balance poses.  I am quite good at the stretches.  As for bridge/wheel, I stay in bridge the whole time, wheel feels too weird on my neck and i get nervous with neck strain.  I attempt crane and put a pillow down (you'll need it).  And yes, I do the ridiculous "ohms" at the end.  I figure I've done 91 minutes of stuff I would never do, why not finish the deed.

Avg HR = 110 bpm
Peak HR = 146 bpm
K Burned = 829 bpm
Time:  1:37:57  (so basically I spent an extra five minutes with the breaks, so those probably drew my avg HR down and increased my calories a little...and remember my watch is aggressive on the K counter to begin with).

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Ab Ripper X w/ Warmup @ 11pm

The title is pretty self explanatory and you know my warmup by now.  The only difference is I ran back and forth instead of in place.  I also stretched a little bit more after the warmup since my legs are still really sore from doing Plyo yesterday.

Avg HR = 114 bpm
Peak HR = 137 bpm
K Burned = 153

I will say that my heart rate didn't peak as high as it has in the past, but it also wasn't anywhere near the low.  Again, I did this late at night and it seems harder to get it to go as high the later in the day you do it.  But notice that my average stayed around the same despite the peak being lower.  That means I worked harder today and took less breaks.  I kept my heart rate up pretty constantly instead of allowing it to dip and then peak. 

Tonight was also the first night I made it through all 50 (he says 40, but there are 10 bonus) mason twists.  I am progressing.  Now if only I could make it through the bikes and scissors.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

P90x - Plyometrics

Tonight I decided that I would go for the granddaddy of all the P90x workout...Plyo.  Why is plyo so are jumping for an hour.  Remember how I said jumping jacks increase your heart rate, now imagine various jumping exercises, including squat jumping jacks, 180 degree squat jumps, etc., and you get the picture.  The results below speak for themselves.

Avg HR = 140 bpm
Peak HR = 170 bpm
K Burned = 832
Time:  59 mins, 30 seconds

Let me just tell you, that you will feel completely wiped out after this.  Make sure to drink plenty of water during and after the workout.  After about 20 mins of letting the water get out of your stomach, it's time to take in some calories.  In the first hour after intense workouts like this, your metabolism increases.  Also, you just burned a ton of calories in a short amount of time and need to replenish yourself a bit. 

So how intense...this is one of the only workouts where even Tony looks like he is struggling and has to reach for his knees a few times.  I still think Core Synergistics is a tougher workout, and maybe even Yoga, from a physical perspective.  From a cardio perspective, plyo is king.  If you get dizzy or short of breath, take breaks.  I will say this workout does leave me the most gassed as I finished 2.5 hours ago, ate, drank, and I still feel exhausted.

Monday, March 7, 2011

Ab Ripper X - Nighttime After Dinner with 3 minute Warmup

As the title said I did my 3 minute warmup (jogging in place for a minute, 30 jumping jacks and leg stretches) and then did the routine.  Unlike Saturday, I did this one later in the evening.  As you will see below my heart rate was lower than Saturday.  Perhaps this is because my body is transitioning to sleep phase as it is later in the day and it is harder to get my heart rate up.  I am not sure.

Avg HR = 110 bpm
Peak HR = 135 bpm
K Burned = 139

At least my average heart rate hit 110 and I did not have another late evening poor workout like I did a few weeks back.  I can thank the warmup for this.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Precor 100i Elliptical After 45 Minute Weight Workout

Today I went back to New York Sports Club to do some weight training.  I did 45 minutes of lifting before taking 2 minutes to grab some water and then hop on an elliptical.  I selected the cardio/heart rate program.  I entered 30 minutes, my age (29), my weight (166lbs) and my desired target heart rate (150 bpm...I put in 155 and it said that was too high of a percentage against my peak heart rate as the machine determined it to be given my age).  Since I had the chest strap and this machine is compatible with it, I was able to use the moving arms without having to reach down for the sensors and get a constant heart rate throughout.  I also turned on my watch to get a comparison.

The workout starts with a 3 minute warmup, then goes into your desired time (30 minutes for me), and then finishes up with a 5 minute cool down, for a total of 38 minutes.  The resistance changes automatically to keep you around 150.  If you go too high it lowers, if you go too low, it increases.  I ranged from 1-14 throughout the workout.  As I got further into the workout and my heart was getting into a groove I needed higher and higher resistance to maintain the 150.  As you can see from the results of my avg HR below, the machine did an amazing job.  Kudos to the Precor 100i.

Precor 100i Results

Avg HR = 146 bpm (damn close to 150, and it does include my cool down and warmup periods)
Peak HR = 161 bpm (didn't let me get too far above)
K Burned = 452

It also stated I was in the zone of 105-150 the entire time fwiw

Watch Results

Avg HR = 146
Peak HR = 160 bpm (as you can see avg and peak about the same since they used the same chest strap...mine)
K Burned = 579 (again my watch was way too aggressive)

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Ab Ripper X - midday workout with warmup

Normally, my P90x routines take place in the evening since it is during the week.  Today, I didn't have time ot get to the gym and did an ab ripper workout around 12:30pm.  I did my one minute jogging in place, 30 jumping jacks and leg stretches.  I'm not sure if doing it midday made a difference but my heart was definitely going much more than when at night, even with the warmups. 

Avg HR = 127 bpm
Peak HR = 157 bpm
K Burned = 192

Again I can't stress enough how much better the workout goes if you warmup and get your heart rate going first.  You'll be more likely to burn some fat and extra calories in my opinion.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Ab Ripper X w/ Warmup

I repeated doing my 1 minute jogging in place, 30 jumping jacks and then 1 -2 mins of stretching my leg muscles before starting the workout video and my monitor.  Again I noticed the performance improvements.  My heart was beating faster and I feel like I had a better workout.  You be the judge.

Avg HR = 117 bpm (higher than usual)
Peak HR =151 bpm (during the Mason Twist at the end as usual)
K Burned = 162 (higher than usual)

Again keep in mind my watch's calorie counter is a bit aggressive, and so it is safe to shave a few off, maybe as much as 20 from what it says given the results from last Sunday at the gym when compared to the Precor machine.  Since I am using the same watch throughout it does show you if I improved in each workout in calories burned.  Also I do believe the heart rate is correct as I have hand checked it myself a few times and have come up with the same or almost exactly the same bpm.  Consumer Reports did say this watch's heart rate monitor is quite accurate.

Yoga X

I actually did this routine last night.  I apologize for how long it took to do another one.  At 92 minutes it is hard to find room in your schedule for it sometimes.  Last night I must have really brought it because my heart rate really spike during the ballistic yoga (warrior poses, vinyasas, sun salutations, etc.).  For the life of me I can't do the warrior 3 and the half moon stretches that go with it.  No don't get me wrong, I do not quit.  I just constantly reset.  I do the same with some of the balance poses, but I complete everything to the best of my abilities as that is the only way to "bring it."  I must also say that the "yoga belly 7" near the end are as difficult as the ab ripper x routine at times. 

Time = 92 minutes
Avg HR = 113 bpm  (97 on Feb. 10)
Peak HR = 154 (126 on Feb. 10)
K Burned = 837 (562 my first time on Feb. 10)

Well I clearly worked and pushed myself a lot harder this time around as you can see how much harder my heart worked.  I spent most of the first 50 minutes during the ballistic yoga in the upper 130's and up.  Like I said I made myself do everything, I even tried the crane poses and put a pillow down (which ended up being a very wise move!).  I will try to do Yoga X again next week to see if I can work that hard at yoga again and see which results are more accurate.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Ab Ripper X with 3 minute warm-up

As I mentioned last Thursday I think the fat burning of the ab ripper x routine can be magnified if you warm up a bit before doing the routine.  I did not even burn 100 calories and my avg hr was real low last Thursday when I went into the routine without any warm-up.

For today's routine I did a 3 minute warm-up to get my heart going a bit and to stretch out my ab muscles.  I jogged in place for one minute.  I did 30 jumping jacks.  Finally I did a downward dog into a vinyasa which finishes in upward dog to stretch out the legs and abs.  Then I first started my heart rate monitor and the ab ripper x video.  I opened at 108, far better than the 80 I opened with last week.

Avg HR =112 bpm
Peak HR = 148 bpm
K Burned = 143

(For comparison last Thursday going cold turkey into the routine i was 96, 126, 98)  I highly recommend doing 3-5 minutes of warm-ups if not doing this right after some other routine or within an hour of doing another routine.  Ballistic stretches and some jogging in place and/or jumping jacks do the trick for me.

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Gym Workout - Weights and Precor 100i Elliptical/Stepper

This will sort of be my Tolstoyish entry.  I went to the gym and did an hour workout and then did cardio.  I ran the watch for the weight workout and then the cardio.

Weight Workout at Gym

FYI, when I say 3 sets, my first set, I try to do at least 10, my second set I try to get close to ten and my third set I do as many as I can, but at the very least 5.

Here is my routine I completed today:
  • 5 minute jog to the gym from my apartment
  • Strecthing
  • Shoulder Press w/ Dumbbells 30lbs each hand, 3 sets
  • One arm rows with dumbbell, 45lbs, 3 sets
  • Dumbbell Bench Press/Fly (I twist the dumbbell on the way up and bring them together making a hybrid of the two exercises), 45lbs each hand, 3 sets
  • Icarian Leg Press - 90lbs each side (2x45lb plates a side), 3 sets
  • Icarian Calf Raise - 55 lbs in plates, 3 sets
  • Preacher Curl - 75lbs, 3 sets (25 lb plate on each side, curl bar is usually 25lbs)
  • Abcoaster Elite Machine (spelled as typed), 20lbs addon on each side (max allowed), 3 sets
  • Push Down with v bar at Icarian Cable Station - 80lbs, 3 sets
So here are the stats for the workout:

Avg HR = 123 bpm
Peak HR = 161 bpm
K Burned = 600
Time of Workout = 55 minutes, 23 seconds

Cardio Workout - Precor 100i

The Precor 100i is sort of a hybrid between an elliptical and a stepper.  You can control stride length to do a stepping motion (least width in stride), jog (medium) or running (large stride).  It has the moving handles that go with the steps as well to give your upper body something to do.  This is the one that has the yellow steps you see in many gyms.  What's nice is the machine also picks up your chest strap and so I did not have to reach down to check my heart rate.  It gave a constant heart rate and that matched what my watch was getting since they both had the same source.

I did the "Fat Burner" workout, which last 28 minutes.  I changed the lower resistant bars up to a level 6 and the higher resistant part of the workout up to a 12 (both are out of 20).  As the heart rate info was the sameon the machine and watch, all I can compare is the calories (k) burned.

Avg HR = 145 bpm
Peak HR = 159 bpm
K Burned (watch) = 416
K Burned (Precor 100i) = 347

As you can see the machine is more conservative with my watch with the same info.  The machine has the added benefit of knowing my resistance and my actual age, which i entered.  Both the watch and machine had my weight.  At any rate, it seems my watch may be a bit aggressive with the calories burned, and so you may want to take a grain of slat with some of the results I have been getting.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Ab Ripper X - 2/24/11

Tonight I just did a solo ab ripper exercise as I got home quite late from work.  For once I seemed to have a normal resting heart rate going into the exercise routine.  I started in the 70s when I turned the monitor on.  This is probably mnore indicative of the calories burned and hr achieved when doing this exercise routine by itself and at the level I am at now (70% or so).

Avg HR = 96 bpm
Peak HR =126 bpm
K Burned = 98 (my lowest yet to date)

So perhaps a light warmup or stretching or jogging in place would be advisable before doing this routine if you want to burn an extra 30 or 40 calories.  I keep learning with this monitor.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Cardio X & Ab Ripper X (sans caffeine)

To correct my mistake of having Starbucks too soon before these workouts on Saturday, I decided to repeat these late at night hours after any caffeine intake.  Since I just described these workouts, I'll keep it brief.

Cardio X

Avg HR = 125 bpm
Peak HR = 157 bpm
K Burned = 501

You'll notice my peak and avg hear rate is down a little bit and I burned 60 less calories.  This is probably more accurate, unless of course your are taking caffeine or stimulants before working out.

Ab Ripper X

Avg HR = 111 bpm
Peak HR = 128 bpm
K Burned = 144

I did this only 15 minutes after cardio x and I must admit I was quite gassed.  Also cardio x ends with some core work (steam engine and superman-banana poses).  So while I was working hard to do the workout and thus burning through some calories, I was actually completing less than I normally do if that makes any sense.  I'd rather complete more and burn 15 less calories as I am ultimately trying to strengthen the abs.  Next time I will wait more like an hour before doing ab ripper.  (Ideally you'd do one in the morning and one in the night).

Monday, February 21, 2011

Perfect Pushup - Power Punch Pushup

This is one of the extra exercises from the Power 10 workout which are extra exercises that can be found on their website. (see prior perfect pushup can use the tags).  This exercise involves slowly lowering yourself but instead of turning the pushup bars sideways you do a full 180 degree turn.  When you reach the bottom you explode up, again turning it 180 degrees.  By explode, I mean the upward movement should only take one second (literally).  These pushups are supposed to focus in on the bicep, although I still feel a burning in my chest.  For my two minute drill I did 14, 10 and then 6 reps.  Forgive me but I finished in 2:02.  Given the intensity of these, and my rush to get them done when I saw I was falling behind in the time, my heart rate increased more.

Time = 2:02
Avg HR = 129 bpm
Peak HR = 147 bpm
Calories Burned = 24 (yes, double my prior ones, it is intense).

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Cardio X & Ab Ripper X

Today I did cardio x, took a 30 minute break and then did ab ripper x.  I was at starbucks before working out.  Starbucks coffee has a lot of caffeine.  Even after a 60-90 minute break after finishing my coffee, my heart rate was elevated at the start of the cardio x workout.  I was starting at 106 or so.  This just shows you what caffeine and supplements like no-xplode can do to your workouts.  In moderation they can increase your hr and thus calories burned, but of course with too much (and this varies from individual to individual) they can put too much strain on your heart and send you way over your zone.  For cardio X I have nothing to compare it to yet, but for ab ripper x, notice my avg hr was up and my calories burned was an extra 40 than usual.  Another explanation is that I usually do these workouts later at night, hours removed from any caffeine (I cut myself off of caffeine by 1pm every day normally).

Cardio X

Cardio X is a supplemental routine in the P90x system for those that want extra hard training or feel they need to burn extra calories in a particular day or week.  Since for many it will be an extra workout, it is slightly shorted, at around 43 minutes.  It is a hybrid of (in this order) warm up, ballistic yoga manuevers (sun salutations and warrior poses), kenpo, plyometrics, and finally core work before a cool down.  Each unit takes 3-5 moves from the P90x workout.  If you're not feeling doing just one type of workout, this is a nice change of pace, expecially if you don't have as much time.  You get a little bit of everything.  You get the fun of Kenpo, the loosening from yoga, and the heart rate spikes from plyo.

Avg HR = 135 bpm
Peak HR = 167bpm
Calories Burned = 568

Ab Ripper X

For the life of me, I'm not sure when I will be able to do the entire routine, but I will say even at my 70% or so, my abs are starting to look great (of course doing core synergistics and yoga are helping too). 

Avg HR = 123 bpm
Peak HR = 149 bpm (a new record courtesy of starbucks, lol)
Calories Burned = 180 (again new record courtesy of Starbucks caffeine)

I will caution, that caffeine and supplements that spike your heart rate are in general not a good idea, since if your heart rate spikes too much you can get dizzy or even pass out.  In rare occasions extreme amounts have lead to death (think FDA banning ephedra in supplements that were supposed to make you ripped).  Despite my increased calories burned and heart rate, in the future I will wait longer after consuming caffeine (and even longer if it is Starbucks).  I could only imagine what would have happened if I attempted a complete plyo workout.  For now take today's results with a grain of salt and I will try to repeat cardio x at a later date.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Ab Ripper X - 2/17/11

Since I am dealing with a cold I stuck to ab ripper.  You may notice ab ripper is the most frequent.  If I was doing the full P90x, I would be doing this 3x/week in addition to all workouts.  since I am using this for my abs, I am doing it close to that.

For some reason my heart rate was up tonight even when i was first starting.  I think I started at around 100.  I'm not sure if this has to do with the cold or maybe too much caffeine today?  At any rate I checked my pulse myself and the watch was pretty much correct.

Avg HR = 116 bpm
Peak HR = 147 bpm
Calories Burned = 157 (notice the 50 calorie increase tonight due to my heart working just shows how calories can be affected by good and bad workouts and outside sources).

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

P90x - Core Synergistics

Core Synergistics uses ab work, lower back work and some leg and arm work, many times at the same time (synergy) to work the core.  It is a grueling workout that made me pour sweat.  I am coming down with a cold, but given tha my blog has been empty, I went for the workout.  I completed most of it and tried the bonus exercises.  However I am exhausted and headachey now, and so i don't recommend doing this or any other P90x routine with a cold.  I may have to take another break after today.

Avg HR = 131 bpm (this includes before and after stretches, I would say I was in the mid to upper 140s on avg during the workout)
Peak HR = 165 bpm
Calories Burned = 723 (as you can see, a little tougher than Kenpo, not as tough as plyometrics)

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Ab Ripper X

I apologize for the gap.  I was away in the Berkshires this past weekend learning how to ski.  I thought about putting on my heart rate monitor but since I would not represent an active skier, I thought better of it and left it at home.  Since I am recovering from falls and soreness, I just did an Ab Ripper to get back into the swing of things, although it was especially brutal for my legs given the skiing.  Without further ado:

Avg HR:  97 bpm
Peak HR:  128 bpm
Calories Burned:  110

I did leave my watch on for an extra minute tonight while I was putting the dvd away and seeing how long it took for my heart rate to rest.  So, it seems I've fallen into the 100-110 calories burned, upper 120 hr peak for ab ripper for now.  I will continue to post each workout, and perhaps when I finally start coming close to finishing the workout the numbers will change.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Yoga X (P90x0

The P90x is a 1 hour and 32 minute workout.  The first 50 minutes or so are ballistic yoga moves (i.e. constant shifting between positions).  You can actually burn a fair amount of calories and get your heart rate up a little bit (not cardio levels, but possibly up to fat burn levels at some points).  After that they go into balance poses (i.e. tree, crane, etc.).  I make good use of my $8 yoga block I bought on to help with the balancing.  Then there are some yoga style stretches, with a fair amount for the back.  After these stretches they do a 7 or 8 minute core/ab workout Tony calls Yoga Belly 7.  After that you go into some more general leg and glute stretches, and then your deep breathing/relaxation finish with some "ohms."  I have to say with the eyes being closed and deep breathing at the end, despite how hard you work in the first half, you feel completely relaxed at the end.  I used the chest strap because I felt with the first half being constant movement and the whole workout being difficult maneuvers that challenge your core and balance, there might be times your heart rate spikes and calories get burnt.  I figured at the very least a 300 calories given the first 50 minutes.

Avg HR = 97
Peak HR = 126
Calories Burned =   562 (basically 6 calories a minute, which seems realistic since cardio workouts do at least 10/minute usually.  Obviously if yoga was just an hour like Kenp, I'd be sitting at around 350 calories, almost half the amount I burned in Kenpo).

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Kenpo X Workout With Ab Ripper an Hour Later

Kenpo X

For those that don't know Kenpo is a Hawaiian martial art that is sort of a hybrid of several.  In the P90x Kenpo X you are throwing kicks (knee, ball (straight), side and back), punches (jab, hook, cross, uppercut) and doing many blocks, followed by elbows.  It finishes up with a series of over 100 rapid punches from "horse stance."  It is by far the most fun I've had while burning calories.  The hour definitely goes by much quicker than the others.  Oh, and the "breaks" are 90 seconds of running in place, virtual jump rump, 20 seconds of jumping jacks and then leaps in the air while creating an X.  I swear my heart rate went up about 10 bpm on average during each of the "breaks."  With further ado, today's results:

Avg HR = 124 bpm
Peak HR = 163 bpm (during that last series of punches at the end)
Calories Burned = 650

Ab Ripper X

Avg HR = 104 bpm
Peak HR = 139 bpm (during the Mason Twist at the end as usual)
Calories Burned = 118

Monday, February 7, 2011

Some Perfect Pushup 2 Minute Drills

I have a maximum of 20 pushups, which means for each drill I do a set of 14 reps, then 10 reps, then 6 reps in a period of 2 minutes.   For those that don't know, the perfect pushup  bars are pushup bars that twist while doing the pushup maneuvers making it infinitely harder.  The perfect pushup comes with drills for regular, wide and close pushups.  Their website has 10 extra routines you can do, called the Power 10 workout ( 

Regular Pushup
Time:  1:58
Avg HR:  99 bpm
Peak HR:  112 bpm
Calories Burned:  12

Shoulder Press (from the Power 10)
Time:  1:55
Avg HR:  99 bpm
Peak HR:  115bpm
Calories Burned:  12

So as you can see I was pretty consistent with the 12 calories burned.  But in 2 minutes, how much can you really burn.  My heart rate was pretty much at its peak as I was finishing and so if it were a three minute drill I am sure the calories burned would go up exponentially.  Don't let the calories burned fool you, they are extremely tough 2 minutes.  When you finish your chest feels like it will explode and for 20 minutes you'll look like you've been bench-pressing for years.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Ab Ripper X

Sorry for such a quick repeat, but I do these 3 times a week.  Yesterday I planned on testing a an elliptical at the gym, but I had a case of food poisoning Friday night into yesterday.  Not like I needed those calories after doing you can imagine how wonderful I felt Saturday.  To ease back into things all I did was Ab Ripper so far today.  Maybe I will try stretch, later after the Super Bowl.

Avg HR = 107bpm
Peak HR = 132bpm
Calories Burned = 128

As you can tell this time it was lower.  I had a harder time today, most likely because I am just coming off being sick.

Friday, February 4, 2011

P90x Plyometrics

First I will start out by saying I did 90-95% of the reps in the 59 minute workout.  I started the watch from the beginning stretches and stopped it at the very end.  This is what I will be doing in the future.  I also did the bonus sports movement exercises at the end (pitching, shooting a basketball, football run).  I will also add that since I am somewhat new to this kindof intensity, my heart rate was probably quite higher than it will be in the future.  That being said, this is the X in P90x as Tony Horton says.  This is the most extreme calorie burning workout there is.  Without further ado:

Average HR = 151bpm
Peak HR = 175bpm
Calories Burned = 943

Due to the intensity of this workout I found myself getting almost dizzy at times, and I used those 30 second breaks to deep breath and drink water.  My advice if you think you can't complete it, do another cardio one until you're ready.  If you finish it, have an energy (protein) drink, because 900+ calories is a ton to burn in an hour, and you need to make up some of those (you pretty much wiped out breakfast + lunch)

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Workout #1 - Ab Ripper X

I just got my Timex T5G971 Personal Trainer watch today.  It was rated as a top pick in the heart rate monitor (HRM) watch category by Consumer Reports.  It has the chest strap and has a user removable battery which is nice.  Amazon had it for under $50 and with free shipping I decided it would be fun to have.

I decided to give ab ripper x a go after doing exercises to determine my maximum heart rate.  The data entered in my watch is 165 lbs, max hr of 195bpm.  I will throw in the caveat that I am a beginner (second week) at ab ripper x and do about 70-75% of the workout and need to stop before Tony Horton does.  A complete workout would get higher average bpm and more calories I imagine.  Without further blathering, here are the results:

Peak Heart Rate (HR) = 141 beat per minute (bpm)
Average HR = 113 bpm
Calories Burned = 148

So despite my beginner status, I think 148 calories in 16 minutes and 30 seconds is pretty good.  I can only imagine what Kenpo and Plyo will yield me.  Soon to find out.  I will try and do plyometrics tomorrow