Tonight I decided that I would go for the granddaddy of all the P90x workout...Plyo. Why is plyo so are jumping for an hour. Remember how I said jumping jacks increase your heart rate, now imagine various jumping exercises, including squat jumping jacks, 180 degree squat jumps, etc., and you get the picture. The results below speak for themselves.
Avg HR = 140 bpm
Peak HR = 170 bpm
K Burned = 832
Time: 59 mins, 30 seconds
Let me just tell you, that you will feel completely wiped out after this. Make sure to drink plenty of water during and after the workout. After about 20 mins of letting the water get out of your stomach, it's time to take in some calories. In the first hour after intense workouts like this, your metabolism increases. Also, you just burned a ton of calories in a short amount of time and need to replenish yourself a bit.
So how intense...this is one of the only workouts where even Tony looks like he is struggling and has to reach for his knees a few times. I still think Core Synergistics is a tougher workout, and maybe even Yoga, from a physical perspective. From a cardio perspective, plyo is king. If you get dizzy or short of breath, take breaks. I will say this workout does leave me the most gassed as I finished 2.5 hours ago, ate, drank, and I still feel exhausted.
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