Thursday, March 3, 2011

Yoga X

I actually did this routine last night.  I apologize for how long it took to do another one.  At 92 minutes it is hard to find room in your schedule for it sometimes.  Last night I must have really brought it because my heart rate really spike during the ballistic yoga (warrior poses, vinyasas, sun salutations, etc.).  For the life of me I can't do the warrior 3 and the half moon stretches that go with it.  No don't get me wrong, I do not quit.  I just constantly reset.  I do the same with some of the balance poses, but I complete everything to the best of my abilities as that is the only way to "bring it."  I must also say that the "yoga belly 7" near the end are as difficult as the ab ripper x routine at times. 

Time = 92 minutes
Avg HR = 113 bpm  (97 on Feb. 10)
Peak HR = 154 (126 on Feb. 10)
K Burned = 837 (562 my first time on Feb. 10)

Well I clearly worked and pushed myself a lot harder this time around as you can see how much harder my heart worked.  I spent most of the first 50 minutes during the ballistic yoga in the upper 130's and up.  Like I said I made myself do everything, I even tried the crane poses and put a pillow down (which ended up being a very wise move!).  I will try to do Yoga X again next week to see if I can work that hard at yoga again and see which results are more accurate.

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