Workout Sequence (weights and cardio)
- 3 minute jog to the gym
- 7 minutes of stretching
- 16 minute P90x Ab Ripper X routine (video copied to my ipod)
- Alternating sets of the LifeFitness Rear Deltoid @ 105 lbs, Pec Fly @ 165 lbs. 3 sets of each
- 3 sets of Icarian Lat Pulldown @ 145 lbs
- 3 sets of Icarian Angled Leg Press, 180 lbs of plates
- 2 sets of upright rows with 75 lbs preweighted bar
- 3 sets of Icarian seated calf raises with 70 lbs of plates
- 3 seats of dips using bodyweight
- 1 set of chinups
- 1 set of pullups, regular grip
- 1 set of neutral grip pullups
- 38 minutes of Precor 100i elliptical, with heart rate selected, 152 bpm as the goal. 30 minute routine with 3 minute warmup and 5 minute cooldown
- 5 minute walk back to apartment
Avg HR = 129 bpm
Peak HR = 160 bpm
K Burned = 1347